hmmmmmm back from SCS camp!
should i do an update? D:
Friday, 16 July 2010
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:53 am 0 comments
Saturday, 19 June 2010
not a very happy post..
well, im back home finally from camp~
havent been able to write here in a long while huh..
you can say it would be my first real weekend in 3 weeks.
since i had field camp, then SOL/confinement, then SIT test, then tahan another 5 days until now.
its mentally draining, if not entirely physically o.o
well im home~ so time to have a rest before tomorrow's book in (: がんばります!
ah well.. anyways the main thing here is that i found something that i dont like..
which is when people choose to criticize others with words, not considering their feelings..
just think. if someone were to say bad stuff about you, people like you and your personal beliefs, would one be able to still smile happily and feel good?
well, it may be a joke in one way or another,
but words are sharper than knives. they can cut beyond the human flesh, into one's emotions and feelings.
usually the scars here do not heal as easily.
thats why people say the tongue is one of the most dangerous weapons around..
okay so really feeling this way 'cause i really feel hurt when people criticize other churches from being in the spotlight.
do you know that the newspaper is profit-driven?
do you know that they print stuff that people WANT to read?
most of the stuff we see and hear in the media is simmered till it's blown-up in scale, added together with a few drops of controversy and served on a platter of commotion.
firstly, the church, other than being our place we head to every sunday, its still a welfare organization which LIKE ALL ORGANIZATIONS, ARE SUBJECTED TO PERIODIC CHECKS.
so what if city harvest gets checked for its funds? hasnt buddhist temples been checked before? hasnt mosques been checked before? hasnt all places which collect free-will donations BEEN CHECKED BY AUTHORITIES?
so what is the big deal made up with chc????
WHY do people keep CRITICIZING us?
its not the first time..
it hurts bad.. really bad..
even its not me or my church directly, we are all still brothers and sisters through Christ.
its heartbreaking when people keeps harping on this kind of media-blown trivial matters and making all sorts of hurtful comments..
what happened to mutual respect?
what happened to love among all people?
if there's one thing i cant bear to see,
its when people throw swords and knives and axes and whatnot at each other,
i feel that people should have basic respect and courtesy for each other,
not scolding each other,
not maligning each other,
not bad-mouthing each other,
not saying stuff that one knows that will actually hurt another person emotionally, no matter how deep....
we all need to watch our mouths carefully,
never hurt each other emotionally, no matter what.
thats my belief.
i wasnt specifically brought up this way, or taught specifically in church.
because God loves me, i can love others..
i feel for others.
the care.
the concern.
the emotions that brought each and everyone together as friends.
the LOVE.
lets keep it going.
make our lives blissful and happy with those around us (:
Thank God for this opportunity for me to let out my feelings..
i've been really bottling up all of this very long..
i'll never get angry.
i'll never criticize others.
i can only pray that the world will become a better place by God's grace..
each day is a new day.
lets start it once again happy, refreshed and ready to conquer anything that comes our way! ^^
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 9:20 am 0 comments
Sunday, 25 April 2010
the day is finally here.. o.o
ya as the title says.. tmr ish NS day aaaaaah \oAo/
morning 10.45am, BMT sch 1.. ><
haha it'll be over quickly though, jus go through it! =)
今日のジョーク (joke of the day):
Teacher: What is the formula of water? :o
Student: HIJKLMNO :)
Teacher: What are you talking about? O.O
Student: But sir, you told us yesterday that it was H to O >A<
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 2:03 am 0 comments
Sunday, 11 April 2010
the stand
"I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered
All I am is Yours"
no matter what happens, I pray for God's peace and comfort to always stay (:
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 10:03 am 0 comments
Friday, 9 April 2010
No grass on a busy road, No hair on a clever head XD
question of the day! ^^
Each of 5 men played a game of chess with each of 5 women,
and then each woman played a game of chess with each of the other women.
How many games of chess were played?
sit down and think! XD
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 7:50 am 0 comments
Sunday, 4 April 2010
shiawase~ =)
baka 13 is over~~ definetly best anime of the season! season 2 announced too ohohohohohohohohoho ^^
next one "B Gata H Kei" and "Kaichou wa maid-sama!"
everyday is a new day to look forward to! (:
always being positive and looking ahead! ^^
ahhh~ uni deadlines are soon!
i want a reply from SMU!! =))
today wy having driving practical o>O
i still havent taken my FTT.. couldnt book date cuz of NS ><
ah anw 1 May will be able to book out! even though is confinement uhurhur ^^
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 11:55 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
everyone has their bad days..
i hate to be negative..
why do i face so much negativity everyday..
its not something i want to look forward to..
its a paradox.
i tend to be the one to give advice to others..
instead i cant seem to feel at ease.. even though im at home..
i hate fighting wars..
why cant everyone just be happy..?
no matter what happens,
why cant we just put whatever in the past behind and move along?
no matter what,
just accept what people do..
their likes and dislikes..
respect them for who they are..
no matter what they do..
everyone still has feelings..
overreacting is never the solution.
it only makes others feel worse..
it doesnt solve anything.
just because i dont fight back,
doesnt mean i am able to take this everyday..
if one is in the right,
he has no need to be angry.
if one is in the wrong,
he has no reason to be angry.
everyone needs compassion..
this isnt like me.
i need to...
keep myself positive...
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 3:01 am 0 comments
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Happiness ish Contagious XD
hahaaa same as my facebook status now! XD
happy and high still duno why xD
ok i got recommendations at work!!!! ^^ yahooo ;D
i need to keep up the good service to maintain good relation with boss >x<
maybe abt few more weeks more so.. ganbarimasu!^^
a compliment goes a REALLY REALLY long way i can say..XD
its the motivation that keeps us going!
so lets keep up the positive energy and GENKI!!! ^^
a random pic of what i drank today while studying math.. o.o
what do u get when u put saber together with asahi beer? o.O
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 10:26 am 0 comments
Saturday, 6 March 2010
hai..jus got result abt 2 days ago..
cant say entirely happy, cant say entirely sad..
is super super mixed o.o like blended o.o
still wan thank God for blessing me throughout this time.. (:
for my wonderful ともだち~
for my lovely かわいい の こいびと ^^
for my great 家族 too =)
ありがとう、かみさま =)
haaa.. now i just have to apply and hope for the best =/
a forward looking person would say:
"results arent everything, just take it and move on"
i wish that were true here.. でも。。
not possible in spore. where everything revolves around competition..
時々..私無力感を覚える =/
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 9:10 am 0 comments
Saturday, 27 February 2010
魔法~ (mahou)
well its been awhile~~さしぶりだな~~
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 9:24 am 0 comments
Friday, 15 January 2010
real life K-ON bu? O.O

Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 9:34 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 2 January 2010
幸せな日 - 始めまして!
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 7:54 am 0 comments