Thursday, 20 November 2008
the BOtanic experience..? o.O
woo! today went botanic gardens with classmates.. the walk up there took the hell outta us lol! x_X
sushi + junk food + butter cookie picnic! (i dont think butter cookie is a junk food ;D)
in the end we started playing with the ants on the floor and watching them lug the huge chunk of potato chip around =p
after that we went to cam-whore around and took quite a few weird shots.. check my facebook for more pics! xD
there was a gachapon machine selling capsules of fish food.. so innovative right!
we bought one and tried to cause an uproar among our fishy friends in the pond.. by feeding the terrapins!
after that went to fish n co with wy, keyon and hui yu for lunch! :)
oh wells, it was a really fun outing anyway... everyone was super tired after that so most of them went home.. i still hav to go work.. >< waargh tired la...
this sat is AFA day... cant wait! WHEEE xD
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:35 am 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
no pork, no pork at all! o.O
dun know whats up with some ppl these days..
was at sakae for work today..
some two ladies ordered nankotsu karaage (soft-bone deep-fried chicken)
they eat until finish, left 1 piece
they call the manager, say eh? this is wrong order
manager changes new plate of nankotsu for them
they eat abit, say eh? i tot i order pork, how come is chicken?
manager say sakae dun serve pork..
lady say but i tot is pork so i order ma, where is my pork?
like wth lol... o.O
dun bully waiters and waitresses, we're just trying to do our job =)
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:21 am 0 comments
Sunday, 16 November 2008
a time to laugh, not cry =D
yooo haha! =D
today watched a touching drama in church! was about a family having troubles understanding each other.. so meaningful! :D
"...the family that EATS together, STAYS together..."
wow had great bonding time with my church friends these weekend! fri had buffet outing, sat got ecp outing, sunday got church.. so fun! xD
church camp coming up on 9,10,11 dec! gonna be a leader... cant wait! :)
yeah got my work schedule for precious thots! lol i was set to work almost half the whole month! o.O
had to cut the days by half to make time for my other job and spend time with family and frens! =)
eating dinner at midnight everyday now.. what to do, work end at 10.30 then still need 1 hr travel to bedok reservoir.. hope my tummy doesn't go crazy! O.o
watched kaykay and paul 2hill's vodcasts last night!
"chick vs.dick" o.O
super super funny! esp the one which paul gets drunk and blur! hahas.. =)

this coming weekend is anime fest 2008!!!! all manga anime lovers GAMBATTE!! xD
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:46 am 0 comments