yooo haha! =D
today watched a touching drama in church! was about a family having troubles understanding each other.. so meaningful! :D
"...the family that EATS together, STAYS together..."
wow had great bonding time with my church friends these weekend! fri had buffet outing, sat got ecp outing, sunday got church.. so fun! xD
church camp coming up on 9,10,11 dec! gonna be a leader... cant wait! :)
yeah got my work schedule for precious thots! lol i was set to work almost half the whole month! o.O
had to cut the days by half to make time for my other job and spend time with family and frens! =)
eating dinner at midnight everyday now.. what to do, work end at 10.30 then still need 1 hr travel to bedok reservoir.. hope my tummy doesn't go crazy! O.o
watched kaykay and paul 2hill's vodcasts last night!
"chick vs.dick" o.O
super super funny! esp the one which paul gets drunk and blur! hahas.. =)

this coming weekend is anime fest 2008!!!! all manga anime lovers GAMBATTE!! xD
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