homg man this is epic! O.O
wish i could throw stuff like them lols..
will be sleeping early tonite..
tmr's going to be a great day!!^^ *starts to get into hyper mode*
Friday, 4 September 2009
GakiKame Miracle Throws
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:54 am 0 comments
Thursday, 3 September 2009
mr max has un-officially become our class lom-lom! XD
theres now a blog (well, for gp) that he created!
LLL (Lom Lom Lodge) XD
another pic of nom nom for wenxin o.O
my lappy is getting so freakin slow... took half an hr just to post this up X.X
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:21 am 0 comments
Sunday, 30 August 2009
teacher's day present for Mr Max! =D
oh here are the class pics taken that day for those who stayed back.. click on 'em for large size! ^^
the second pic seems clearer than the first.. haha!
thanks also to the girl who helped us take the picture! (j1 right?)
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:55 am 0 comments
pictures handphone cameras take o.O
haha i dunno why i suddenly felt like uploading random pics from my hp..
but here they are! XD
this one's for wen xin lol! nom noms to the max! XDD ( and my sis has all of them lol)is this what happens when birds place bids for hdb flats? O.O
owh! kona-chan found ben n jerrys! >D
lol this one's for wongyi! NICE RIGHT!!!! =.=
Posted by Ah-Chu aka Jim at 8:41 am 0 comments